Contact with Swedish authorities, banks, health care centers and more are easier for persons with a Swedish personal number.

Whether you can apply for a Swedish personal number or not depends on how long your studies are.

If you are admitted to studies that last longer than one calendar year (365 days), you can apply for a personal number.

If you are admitted to studies that will last more than 12 months, you can apply for a Swedish personal identity number (a "personnummer") at the Swedish Tax Office once you have arrived, registered for your studies, and have an address in Sweden.


A Swedish personal identity number is an identification number and once you have this number, you will be registered in the population register and have the same responsibilities as other long-term residents in Sweden. The personal identity number is used in contacts with Swedish authorities, banks, health care centres, and more. This means that you will be registered as a resident in Sweden and have access to the social insurance system in Sweden and can use this identity number when visiting a doctor and pay the same fees as Swedish residents.

Please note though, that it can take a few weeks until you receive your personal identity number.

Information on moving to Sweden from the Swedish Tax Office


Once you have received your Swedish personal number, you should notify the university by visiting our Service Center on campus.

If you are admitted to studies for a shorter period (Pathway programmes, exchange studies, and most one-year master programmes), you can apply for a coordination number.

If you are admitted to studies at Jönköping University that will last less than 12 months, you will not be able to register for a Swedish personal identity number.

This includes students admitted to Pathway Semester or Pathway Year with a follow-up programme. You can apply for a coordination number and then apply for a personal number after starting the follow-up programme.


It is important to be aware that it can sometimes be more complicated to open a bank account or have contact with Swedish authorities without a personal identity number. If you cannot receive a personal identity number, you may instead be able to apply for a coordination number. This is necessary, for example, to work in Sweden and pay your taxes.


Information about coordination numbers from the Swedish Tax Office

The coordination number is not used at the university and you do not need to inform us.