Content updated 2019-06-25

Courses and accreditation

The idea of ​​exchange studies is that you take courses at the partner university and use them towards your degree at Jönköping University. You should not need to study an extra semester when you go on an exchange semester.

The process of choosing courses can differ for an Exchange Studies (only studies) semester or International Campus (including IPC or Final Project Work) semester. See below for more information.

Online course pre-approvals

You must upload the courses you wish to study while on exchange in MOA for your program manager/accreditor to review and make a decision on accreditation.

For exchanges during Fall 2023 and earlier you manage your course selection in the system IntApps and not MOA. Students going on exchange from spring 2024, upload the courses in MOA Course selection module.

In the system you will see what courses other students have previously studied at the respective universities, see that as information.

Important information to international students

There are special rules for international students regarding tuition fees/course fees at the Jönköping University in connection with exchange studies.

No replacement course/failing a course

The School of Engineering can't guarantee that you will find replacement courses for all of your JU courses during your exchange studies. If this happens, or if you fail a course at the partner university, you have to contact your accreditor and also discuss your situation with your study counsellor. You may then have to study the original programme course later on within your programme or take a replacement course at JU. Re-exams at the partner universities are very rare.

Finding course information

The latest updated information about the partner university's courses can be found on their websites.

Here are some tips to help your search:

  • Find the page for International Office or the equivalent; they will often gather links for exchange students; also look for Exchange students or Erasmus students.
  • Find information about the university's programmes. There you can sometimes find information about the courses. This is often found under the academic departments.
  • Search for a specific faculty of the partner university; these are often found under “schools/campuses/faculties” or similar links.
  • Courses can be named: “courses", "units", "modules”. At some partner universities, programmes may be called “courses”.
  • If you are on an bachelor programme, you should search among courses at “undergraduate/bachelor” level. If you are a master student, look under the “graduate/postgraduate” level.
  • Use the University's search function. Do a course code search and see if you can find a course description.
  • Some universities have special handbooks where all courses can be found.
  • You will often find semester dates if you search the “academic calendar” or “term dates”.
  • Many universities have pages for International Students. You may find information here, but most of the information relates to international, tuition-fee paying, students which does not apply to exchange students.

Preparatory language courses

Many of the partner universities have courses in English. Some may have a limited offering of courses in English and others may only offer courses in the national language. There are opportunities to take a preparatory language course on different levels at some partner universities. If you have previously studied a language, you can then refresh your skills before the semester begins.

Some universities organize their own courses prior to studies. (For example, several of our partner universities in Germany and France.) In some cases, these courses may be chargeable.


Regarding courses for School of Engineering

Preapproval and choice of courses abroad

  • In order to know which courses you are replacing and taking for at the partner university, you look in the curriculum/outline for your programme at School of Engineering. You can find this on the student web. Be sure to find your programme with your starting year. Before you apply for exchange studies you have to know that the universities you select offer courses within your study area and can be counted towards your degree. At some universities there are restrictions in regards to which courses you may apply for, due to limited agreements and not all faculties are then open for exchange students, see information in Intapps.
  • When you have been nominated to a partner university you should upload your choice of courses in MOA well in advance before your exchange studies.
    You are responsible for finding course information/syllabuses/
    descriptions at the partner university. If you have difficulties in finding course information, contact the partner university for more detailed information. If they are not able to assist you or you have questions about MOA, contact the coordinator at International Office at School of Engineering (JTH) for help.
  • Each department has an accreditor for the approval and accreditation of courses taken by exchange students. He/she will make a decision and approve or reject the courses that you have registered in Intapps before your exchange studies. You will know before departure that the courses will be counted towards your degree at the School of Engineering. If you don't get this approval before your exchange studies, you run the risk that the courses will be rejected and not included in your degree.
  • If there are changes among your course choices at the partner university, you must follow the process described above.

Courses taken abroad can replace mandatory or elective courses you would take at the School of Engineering, or be counted as extra courses in your degree; it all depends on your programme and the courses that you will study while abroad.

We recommend that you select twice as many courses as suitable to take, then you will have a little flexible for any course changes. Be prepared for course options that may change at the start of the semester at the partner university, for reasons such as scheduling conflicts, cancellations, and the like.

If you have a semester remaining at the School of Engineering after your exchange semester, it's important that you discuss both the exchange semester studies and the remaining courses at JTH with your accreditor before the exchange studies. This ensures you will have a complete study plan for your degree.

The School of Engineering cannot guarantee that students will manage to find replacements for all courses during the exchange studies. If you cannot find a course to replace all the courses you would have taken at home, you must retake these later to get your degree at School of Engineering. The same applies if you fail a course at the partner university; you may have to take a replacement course at home. Re-exams can be very unusual abroad.

Finding course information

"Course package"

For most International Campuses there is already a "course package" available. However, sometimes late changes can occur to the planned courses. Your programme manager/accreditor will give you more information about a possible "course package" during the planned information sessions. Remember that you still need to apply for the courses at the partner university.

No "course package"

If there is no "course package" available, please find the latest updated information about the partner university's courses on their website.

Here is some advice to help with your search:

  • Find the page for the partner university's International Office or the equivalent; they will often gather links for exchange students; also look for Exchange students or Erasmus students.
  • Find information about the university's programmes (possibly under the academic departments). You can sometimes find information about the courses there.
  • Search for a specific faculty of the partner university; faculties are often found under “schools/campuses/faculties” or similar.
  • Courses can be named: “courses", "units", "modules”. At some partner universities, programmes may be called “courses”.
  • If you are a bachelor student, you should search among courses at “undergraduate/bachelor” level. If you are a master student, look under the “graduate/postgraduate” level.
  • Use the University's search function. Do a course code search and see if you can find a course description.
  • Some universities have special handbooks where all courses can be found.
  • You will often find semester dates if you search for “academic calendar” or “term dates”.
  • Many universities have pages for International Students. You may find information there, but most of the information relates to international, tuition-fee paying, i.e. students who don't apply as exchange students.



Accreditors at School of Engineering

In most cases, this is your program manager.