Summer reading from Jönköping University
If the summer days feel slow and you want to learn something new, we have collected some long reads about current and exciting research. So sit in your favorite armchair, lean back and read!

Including the elderly in our digital society
Different areas of society are transitioning from analogue to digital systems at an increasingly rapid rate. General statistics may lead to the belief that this transition is happening smoothly, even for older people. But the research gives a different picture.
Read "Including the elderly in our digital society" here. External link, opens in new window.
Commitment, good contacts and language skills are key to how immigrants find a job
How can immigrants get a job more easily in Sweden? How important is the Swedish language and education level? And what is meant by a “luxury immigrant”? These are just some of the questions that researchers at Jönköping University are hoping to answer in an exciting new project.
From research and patent to commercial success
Just over 15 years ago, Magnus Wessén and Haiping Cao, researchers at the School of Engineering, Jönköping University (JU), patented a type of rheocasting called the RheoMetal process. This has since led to a close collaboration between JU and several Chinese universities, the establishment of several foundries both in Sweden and China, and commercialisation of the process that has gained a lot of interest.
Read "From research and patent to commercial success" here. External link, opens in new window.
Can JU’s new research project help us get a better night’s sleep?
During the pandemic, many people have had problems with sleep and, as a result, society is now facing a wave of sleep-related ill health. Sleep researchers at Jönköping University have therefore started up a unique, interdisciplinary project that will provide sufferers tailor-made treatment via an app.